Wings on Film Wiki


Delivered as G-CLIP to McAlpine Helicopters Ltd on 25 November 1994, this helicopter was acquired by Quantel Ltd on 27 April 1995, passing to Carlton Communications plc on 14 September 2000. Transferred to Xjet Ltd on 3 November 2000, it moved on 5 April 2001 to Charterstyle Ltd, who re-registered it as G-OLCP on 18 February 2002. G-OLCP has been active with Cheshire Helicopters Ltd since 4 January 2014.[1]

While hover taxiing from its parking position, towards the runway at Peterborough Conington Airport, Cambridgeshire, on 21 March 2014, the tail of a Cessna 152 parked at a nearby refuelling point lifted and, under the influence of the rotor wash and a relatively strong surface wind, the aircraft came to rest inverted.[2]


  1. Transported David, Arlene, Kadena and Matt to their initial challenge.

